Your talk must include:
- The title and author of the book
- A brief summary WITHOUT giving away anything important!
- One or two quotes from the book that you think are the most interesting, aka 'teasers'.
- A couple of sentences of, 'You will like this if....'
You need:
- Your book to hold up during your talk. If you do not have it than you need to look up a picture, and try to draw it on computer paper so that we can clearly see your title and author, PLUS a picture.
- Slow and controlled speech. If you make a mistake you must restart, this needs to be a professional product!
Once you have finished recording:
- Upload your video to YouTube or GoogleDocs. Add the link in the comments of this post along with your first and last name as well as your block number. Make sure if you uploaded to GoogleDocs you make your share options public, so anyone can see your video, not just me.
Don't have your own YouTube?
Log in under using this and upload your video here.
password: Whittington1612
- Once finished, paste the link along with your name and block into the Blog Comments on this post.
Struggling with GoogleDocs?
- Open pictures app and click on your video
- Press the 'upload icon' on the bottom left.
- Scroll over, click on the Google Drive icon. If it is not there click more and add it.
(Make sure you have the GooglDrive App downloaded)
- Click 'My Drive'
- Press 'Save Here'
- Upload
- Once finished, open GoogleDrive, press the three dots on your video square.
- Click 'Get Link'
- Paste the link along with your name and block into the Blog Comments on this post.
Shelby Whittington - Block 6
Shelby Whittington - Block 4