Thursday, January 26, 2017

Video Book Talks

Find a partner or a small group and each record a Book Talk about the book you have been reading, or your recent most favorite book.

Your talk must include:
- The title and author of the book
- A brief summary WITHOUT giving away anything important!
- One or two quotes from the book that you think are the most interesting, aka 'teasers'.
- A couple of sentences of, 'You will like this if....'

You need:
- Your book to hold up during your talk. If you do not have it than you need to look up a picture, and try to draw it on computer paper so that we can clearly see your title and author, PLUS a picture.
- Slow and controlled speech. If you make a mistake you must restart, this needs to be a professional product!

Once you have finished recording:
- Upload your video to YouTube or GoogleDocs. Add the link in the comments of this post along with your first and last name as well as your block number. Make sure if you uploaded to GoogleDocs you make your share options public, so anyone can see your video, not just me.

Don't have your own YouTube? 
Log in under using this and upload your video here.
password: Whittington1612
- Once finished, paste the link along with your name and block into the Blog Comments on this post.

Struggling with GoogleDocs?
- Open pictures app and click on your video
- Press the 'upload icon' on the bottom left.
- Scroll over, click on the Google Drive icon. If it is not there click more and add it.
  (Make sure you have the GooglDrive App downloaded)
- Click 'My Drive'
- Press 'Save Here'
- Upload
- Once finished, open GoogleDrive, press the three dots on your video square.
- Click 'Get Link'
- Paste the link along with your name and block into the Blog Comments on this post.


Example Comment Post: (Both of these links are helpful book talk examples)
Shelby Whittington - Block 6
Shelby Whittington - Block 4

Friday, January 20, 2017

Vocab List #4 Word Project

Vocab List 4

Look over vocab through Quizlet then we will play Quizlet Live.

You will then be given a piece of computer paper and you must create a Vocab Word poster. Pick any word from your list and do the following on your paper:

- Write your vocab word large on your paper, like a title.
- Write your vocab word within a correct sentence.
- Write the definition.
- Draw a picture of your word.
- Research where your word originates, add extra facts that you find.

Due at the end of class.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Heroes Debate

The class will be split up into two groups. One will try to defend that Heroes are born, and the other group will defend that Heroes are made over time.

To do this, once your team moves to your designated side of the room, you will prepare an opening statement, 3-5 questions to ask the other team and a closing statement.

You will be awarded a point for winning the opening statement, having or answering good questions, and lastly for your closing statement.

Your opening statement must outline why you think your side should win. You will have 5 minutes to prepare this.

Then, you will be given ten minutes and split up into two groups. One group will plan the questions to ask the other team. The other group will try to plan what questions they will be asked and prepare to answer them.

We will then go through the opening statement presentation, award the winning team a point, and then ask the questions.

Your questions will be asked to the other team without them having any time to prepare to answer.

After questions, you will get five more minutes to prepare your closing statement, and then we will present closing statements and finish our debate.

Make sure you are INVOLVED and HELPING your team!

Friday, January 13, 2017

1/13 and 1/17 Classwork and Odyssey



If you do not finish, this is homework due 1/18 and 1/19 along with preparing your 3 questions for our class visitor. 

Blog Post with Access to Odyssey Online Version: Odyssey Graphic Novel

Homework: Prepare three questions to ask  our in-class visitor, an Loudoun County Sheriff's Deputy. You can ask about his job, his interests, or anything regarding to heroes/villains.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Create a Myth Presentations

Click on the title of this post, then scroll down to post a comment. You will then attach a link to your presentation if it was technology related (video, prezi, etc.). If your presentation was not technology driven, you will turn in your work to Mrs. Whittington after your in-class presentation.

The group member who comments must include:
All group member names.
Link to presentation.
**Post from a account**

Due by the end of the quarter - 1/26.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Create A Myth Presentations

Due Date: 1/11(A) and 1/12 (B)

In your myth groups, you will be creating your own myth story and presenting it to the class.

Original Assignment: Myth Project Link

Which states:
5-minute presentation of your myth: Each group must present their myth creation to the class.  This presentation can be in any form or style and should demonstrate your story telling skills, and that you can speak clearly in front of the class using a tone and attitude appropriate to the situation.  Your presentation should demonstrate your understanding of your myth, explain the role of the symbol in your myth, and the importance of it in a modern context and how it shows ancient Greek values (all 3 driving questions). Presentation ideas: oral story, skit, video, children’s book, or any other approved method.
Be Able to Answer: What does our myth teach to its audience? What symbol do we use? How does it connect to our society and to original Greek values?

Your myth must have a symbol that is the center of your myth. Make sure you explain why it is important within the story you write and how it relates to your main character - List of Symbols to Pick From

Your myth can be about any character, made up or chosen from your Greek Mythology research. You are writing a creative story about them which must include what is listed below. You are doing this AS A GROUP so split up the work evenly.

Your presentation must include:
- Read/present your myth.
- Explain what symbol you chose and what it represents within your story.
- Answer what does your myth teach to your audience? What lesson?
- How does your myth connect to our lives, as well as connect back to original Greek values.

Presentation Ideas:
- Time-lapse Video
- Prezi, no PowerPoint
- Video/i-Movie
- Sock Puppets telling your myth
- Write and present a Rap or Song
- Music compilation
- Newspaper front page
- Whiteboard drawing video
- Powtoon
- Comic Book
- Children's Book version of your story
- Skit/ Play