Tuesday, December 12, 2017

In Class Timed Write 12/12 and 12/13

Today in class you will be completing a timed write. You will have the entire class period to write PWP#4 (Academic: PWP#3) and submit it to Turnitin.com. Zero block and Skinny block will have two 45 minute class periods.

We are almost halfway through the year. This assignment will give you the opportunity to experience an assignment that you are likely to face in 10th and 11th grade. You will not be able to perform edits on this PWP and you will score a 0-100, not just a 75(R) or 100(A).

- You must choose a PWP genre that you have not already completed (You cannot use Poetry for this assignment)
- You must follow all the guidelines required of a PWP - MLA format, correct header and title, attempt for a minimum of 350 words.
- You must turn in drafting done on paper. You must do some preparation before beginning to type. Examples: graphic organizer, outline, idea generating, etc.
- You must submit your work to Turnitin.com by the end of class.

- Use the blog to your advantage. Use the MLA label as well as the ProcessWriting label to help you.
- If you are completing a Readers Response and do not have the book, search for an online version of your book or search popular quotes in order to have your required direct quotes.
- Follow the Business Letter Formatting if you choose a business letter.

If you are absent on this day you MUST contact Mrs. Whittington for a Rock Block pass in order to make up this assignment. This will be a 3rd quarter grade.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Map of Odysseus's Travel

Zero Block: 12/11/17
Skinny: 12/11/17 (Just Map)
Honors: After Break

In your small groups, go back through the book to list in order where Odysseus has been and who he has interacted with while at these locations. What important thing happened at each stop? When you have listed up until you stopped reading (book 11), then check your accuracy against the following map.

Tripline Link

If you finish before the end of class, please read book 12. If you do not get to this in class, reading book 12 will be your homework. Access the Graphic Novel online - here.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Skinny Block 12/8

Read book 6, 7, 8, and 9 of the Odyssey. Pg 73-110.

After you read each book, write three sentences explaining what happened in that book.
You need three sentences for each book (6, 7, 8, and 9).

This will be turned in at the end of class. Summative assignment - 15 points.