Quarter 1: Short Stories
All stories can be accessed in 'Scanned Class Documents' above.
Thursday and Friday: 8/22&23
- PowerPoint (Class Intro, Stations, Fish Cheeks Story)
- Welcome Blog Post - Required Materials - Where I'm From Poem Example
Week One:
Monday and Tuesday: 8/26&27
- PowerPoint (Syllabus and Blog)
- Syllabus - Due Next Class
- Blog Scavenger Hunt - Due Next Class
Wednesday and Thursday: 8/28&29
- PowerPoint (Plot Diagram, Character Terms, Intro PWP 1-3)
- Fish Cheeks Activities (Honors Only)
Week Two:
Tuesday and Wednesday: 9/3&9/4
- PowerPoint (Valediction Story, Dialogue, Intro PWP 4-6)
- Valediction Short Story
HOMEWORK: Please bring your headphones and a charged Chromebook next class!
Complete Fish Cheeks Assignment - due next class.
Thursday and Friday: 9/5&9/6
- iReady Diagnostic Testing (on LCPSGO)
HOMEWORK: If not finished in class, finish iReady by Sunday at midnight.
Week Three:
Monday: 9/9 (A only. B days will complete this day on Monday 9/16.)
- PowerPoint (Peer Edit Practice, Simile and Metaphor, House on Mango Street Story)
- Name Writing Prompt on Google Classroom
HOMEWORK: Complete the Name Writing Prompt
Tuesday and Wednesday: 9/10&9/11
- PowerPoint (The Veldt Story, Listen to the Veldt Here)
- Veldt Imagery Assignment on GC
- PWP#1 Assigned
- Peer Editing - 9/19(A) and 9/20(B) - Mostly complete, printed draft required.
- Polished Draft Due - 9/23(A) and 9/24(B) - Turn in on Google Classroom
- Last Day to Submit Revisions - 10/18 - ALL STUDENTS
Thursday and Friday: 9/12&9/13
- Veldt Video
- Veldt Assignment on Google Classroom
- Vocab List #1 introduced - Quiz Dates: 9/25(A) and 9/26(B)
HOMEWORK: Complete Veldt Assignment on Google Classroom
Week Four:
Monday: 9/16 (B only. A day students completed this day on 9/9.)
- PowerPoint (Peer Edit Practice, Simile and Metaphor, House on Mango Street Story)
- Name Writing Prompt on Google Classroom
HOMEWORK: Complete the Name Writing Prompt
Tuesday and Wednesday: 9/17&9/18
- Workshop Day for PWP#1
HOMEWORK: Print PWP#1 for Peer Editing Next Class
Thursday and Friday: 9/19&9/20
- PowerPoint (Peer Editing Rules&Checklists)
- Peer Editing Checklists for All Genres
HOMEWORK: Make Edits to PWP#1 - Turn in on GC by 9/23(A) & 9/24(B) by Midnight.
Week Five:
Monday and Tuesday: 9/23&9/34
- PowerPoint (Vocab Practice, Penpals)
- Vocab Study
- PenPal First Draft
HOMEWORK: Submit PWP#1 - Turn in on GC by 9/23(A) & 9/24(B) by Midnight.
Vocab #1 Quiz Next Class
Wednesday and Thursday: 9/25&9/26
- Vocab #1 Quiz
- PenPal Final Drafts
Friday and Monday: 9/27&9/30
- PowerPoint (Long Way Down Intro, PG 0-35)
- PWP #1 Edits due by 10/18
Week Six:
Tuesday and Wednesday: 10/1&10/2
- PowerPoint (LWD 35-70)
- Vocab List #2 introduced - Quiz Dates 10/22(A) and 10/23(B)
Thursday and Friday: 10/3&10/4
- PowerPoint (LWD Level 7, Found Poetry, GC Response)
HOMEWORK: Finish Found Poetry and GC Response
Week Seven:
Monday and Tuesday: 10/7&10/8
- PowerPoint (LWD Level 6)
- Workshop Time
HOMEWORK: No PWP#1 Revisions will be accepted after 10/18.
Wednesday and Thursday: 10/9&10/10
- PowerPoint (LWD Level 5, Vocab #2 Practice)
- Library Book Check Out
- Vocab #2 Practice
Week Eight:
Friday and Tuesday: 10/11&10/15
- PowerPoint (SOL Writing Practice, LWD Level 4)
- Workshop Time
- Friday Homecoming Pep Rally!
Wednesday and Thursday: 10/16&10/17
- PSAT Day (Wednesday)
- Hey Kiddo Ted Talk
- Vocab List #2 - GC Assignment - Quiz Dates: 10/22(A) and 10/23(B)
- Workshop Time
Week Nine:
Friday and Monday: 10/18&10/21
- PowerPoint (LWD Level 3, GC Assignment)
- Extra Time? Workshop
HOMEWORK: Finish GC Level 3 Assignment - Friday 10/18 Last day to turn in PWP#1 Revisions.
Vocab #2 Quiz NEXT CLASS
Tuesday and Wednesday: 10/22&10/23
- PowerPoint (LWD Level 2&1)
- Vocab #2 Quiz
Thursday and Friday: 10/24&10/25
- Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe - GC Assignment
- Listen to the story HERE
HOMEWORK: Complete GC Acrostic Poem and share it to - Shelby.Whittington@lcps.org
Week Ten:
Tuesday and Wednesday: 10/29&10/30
- PowerPoint (Poe Background, Annabel Lee, Socratic Seminar Intro&Prep)
- Socratic Seminar Prep Assigned on GC
- Socratic Seminar Requirements
Thursday and Friday: 10/31&11/1
- PowerPoint (Continue Socratic Seminar Prep)
HOMEWORK: Short Stories Socratic Seminar NEXT CLASS - 11/6(A) and 11/7(B)