Tuesday, December 12, 2017

In Class Timed Write 12/12 and 12/13

Today in class you will be completing a timed write. You will have the entire class period to write PWP#4 (Academic: PWP#3) and submit it to Turnitin.com. Zero block and Skinny block will have two 45 minute class periods.

We are almost halfway through the year. This assignment will give you the opportunity to experience an assignment that you are likely to face in 10th and 11th grade. You will not be able to perform edits on this PWP and you will score a 0-100, not just a 75(R) or 100(A).

- You must choose a PWP genre that you have not already completed (You cannot use Poetry for this assignment)
- You must follow all the guidelines required of a PWP - MLA format, correct header and title, attempt for a minimum of 350 words.
- You must turn in drafting done on paper. You must do some preparation before beginning to type. Examples: graphic organizer, outline, idea generating, etc.
- You must submit your work to Turnitin.com by the end of class.

- Use the blog to your advantage. Use the MLA label as well as the ProcessWriting label to help you.
- If you are completing a Readers Response and do not have the book, search for an online version of your book or search popular quotes in order to have your required direct quotes.
- Follow the Business Letter Formatting if you choose a business letter.

If you are absent on this day you MUST contact Mrs. Whittington for a Rock Block pass in order to make up this assignment. This will be a 3rd quarter grade.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Map of Odysseus's Travel

Zero Block: 12/11/17
Skinny: 12/11/17 (Just Map)
Honors: After Break

In your small groups, go back through the book to list in order where Odysseus has been and who he has interacted with while at these locations. What important thing happened at each stop? When you have listed up until you stopped reading (book 11), then check your accuracy against the following map.

Tripline Link

If you finish before the end of class, please read book 12. If you do not get to this in class, reading book 12 will be your homework. Access the Graphic Novel online - here.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Skinny Block 12/8

Read book 6, 7, 8, and 9 of the Odyssey. Pg 73-110.

After you read each book, write three sentences explaining what happened in that book.
You need three sentences for each book (6, 7, 8, and 9).

This will be turned in at the end of class. Summative assignment - 15 points.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Create a Monster

In partners:
Create a monster who Odysseus could face in his 10 years of travel.

- Draw a picture of the monster and name it. Write its name on the front of the paper.
- Come up with and explain how your monster relates to Greek Mythology (The son of Poseidon, The daughter of Hermes and Pegasus, etc.) Front of paper.
- Come up with two songs that represent your monsters personality/life. List the two songs and their artists on the front of your paper.

- Use lines from the lyrics of the songs chosen (school appropriate) to explain how your monster looks, thinks, and feels in 2-3 paragraphs on the back of your paper. Include how Odysseus escaped from or defeated your monster. You may add in more songs on the back if you so choose. Minimum of four direct quotes from your songs in your paragraphs.

* Use COLOR - markers in the back.
* Be creative. Effort from both partners MUST be apparent.
* Add your lyrics in to your paragraphs like direct quotes in a research paper. (Song title, Artist).

The Water Titan often felt misunderstood. He traveled the lands asking, "do you feel like I do?" (Do You Feel Like We Do, Peter Frampton). The Water Titan, after getting no responses, then would get angry and "take a Louisville slugger to both headlights" as well as, "slash holes in all four tires" of oncoming horse drawn carriages (Before He Cheats, Carrie Underwood).

Monday, November 27, 2017

Vocab List #4

Quiz Dates:
A Day (Plus Zero Block and Skinny Block): Monday December 4th.
B Day: Tuesday December 5th.

Vocab List 4 Quizlet Link

macrocosm, macroeconomics
mega- / megalo-
megajackpot, megalomaniac
microscope, microcosm, microeconomics, microbe

bibliography, bibliophile, bible
cour- / cours- / cur- / curs-
to run
courier, course, concur, cursory
recognize, cognitive, incognito
lect- / leg- / lig-
to read, choose
lecture, illegible, legible, lectern, lecturer, election
mob- / mobil- / mot- / mov-
mobility, emotion, movement, mobile, automobile, motion, promote, movie
mortal, mortician, immortality
spec- / spic-
look, see
spectacles, spectator, inauspicious, prospect, speculate
trac- / tract-
to pull or drag
traction, tractor, detract
fastest, greatest
hopeless, selfless

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Greek Hero Characteristics - Odysseus

Greek Hero Characteristics - Here
Notes Sheet to Follow Greek Hero Characteristics - Here

Introduction to the Odyssey - PowerPoint Here

Homework: Complete a Storyboard for books 1-3 (Page 1-29). 8 boxes - Pick the 8 most important events, in each box draw the event and add one sentence explaining what is happening.

Access the Odyssey from home by following these instructions: ODYSSEY ONLINE GRAPHIC NOVEL

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Introduction to Greek Mythology - 11/15

Greek Myth Notes Link

The pattern in Mythology is called the Hero's Journey - Ted Talk Hero's Journey

Important Greek Gods Chart Link
--- History.org Video Link
--- Use the video link above to fill our your Greek Gods Chart
--- (Finished? Watch this!) Greek God Info Video

When finished, check yourself against the KEY

Like in fairy tales, Symbolism and Archetypes are used a lot in Mythology - Literary Symbolism/Archetype Sheet

Friday, November 10, 2017

Social Justice

Zero Block and Skinny Block:

Read Valediction by Sherman Alexie.

1.) Respond to the following:
     - Define Social Justice.
     - What experiences have I had with injustice, and how do my actions, 
        or lack thereof, affect them?
    - What can I do to help social justice prevail?

2.) Define the following character roles - Victim, Bystander, Ally, and Perpetrator

3.) Read Valediction now. Apply these roles to characters in Valediction, use summary or direct quotes from the story to support your answers.

4.) Answer these questions based off of Valediction.
     - Why might the characters be playing these roles? Ex. What is the bystander afraid of? What is
        the Perpetrator gaining from the situation?
     - How would it look if the bystander became the ally?
     - What was the social injustice showed in the story and how could it have been corrected?

This was a Prep Activity for: (All Classes)
 On Cracking White City (non-fiction) read and discussed in class with this handout.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Poetry Out Loud Detailed Rubric

In class presentations on 11/26 (A) and 11/25 (B).
Original assignment, dates, and requirements - Here

Students will receive a half sheet rubric in class with teacher notes, for more in depth explanation for grades given, please look below.

In order to receive a 5 on the rubric:
- Introduction : Student introduced their name, poem title, and author to the audience before the recitation of their poem.
- Accuracy: Student needs no prompts for the next line of their poem and does not miss any words while presenting.
- Eye Contact: Student maintains effective eye contact with their audience the entire time.
- Memorization: Student has clearly memorized the poem in its entirety (Academic: Student demonstrates an effort to memorize their poem and uses their copy of the poem minimally to recite.)
- Voice Volume: Student speaks in a loud, clear voice and increased/decreased volume in a way that enhanced the presentation.

2-4: (4 being the minimal offence for each category, 2 being the maximum)
- Introduction: Student does not remember the name of their poem or author or needs to reference their copy of the poem. Or student needs to be prompted to say one of these three requirements.
- Accuracy: Student needs 1-2 prompts for the next line or misses 1-3 words in their poem.
- Eye Contact: Student attempts to maintain eye contact but looks away 1-3 times.
- Memorization: Student has most of the poem memorized, but not in its entirety.
- Voice Volume: Student spoke somewhat loudly and clearly.

- Introduction: Student does not introduce themselves or their author and poem.
- Accuracy: Student skips entire lines of their poem or has to restart multiple times.
- Eye Contact: Student makes no eye contact, either looking entirely at their copy of the poem (Academic) or away from their audience (Honors).
- Memorization: Student does not have their poem memorized.
- Voice Volume: Student did not speak loudly or clearly, it was difficult to understand what the student was saying.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

End of Quarter Outline

PWP#1: Past due date (10/20). There will be no more revisions accepted. PWP#1 was entered in the gradebook 9/19. Students had a month to do their revisions, including work time in class. If students did not take advantage of this time, the R grade (75%) will remain in the gradebook. If student turned in one revision on the last day, it is likely that their grade will also remain an R. It was told and demonstrated to students that multiple revisions were usually required to earn an A (100%).

Previous PWP Blog posts that have been discussed in class:

Original Assignment Details
Revision Requirements
Additional Helpful Information

End of Quarter One Details:
10/24 and 10/25 - Small group peer presenting and self reflection for Poetry Out Loud
10/26 and 10/27 - Intro Poe, read Annabel Lee, Socratic Seminar intro and practice.
10/29 - Honors PWP#2 due on Turnitin.com.
10/30 and 10/31 - Present Poetry Out Loud (Summative)
11/1 and 11/2 - Socratic Seminar (Summative) - Cold Read for honors: Tell Tale Heart
11/3 - Last day of Quarter
      *If you missed the Socratic you must do the Make-Up and turn it in by the end of the day.
      *Email or Handwritten accepted
11/6 and 11/7 - Teacher Work Days
11/9 and 11/10 - Vocab List #3 Quiz

Academic Socratic Seminar Prep Checklist: Here

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

P.O.L. Practice Presentation and Reflection

Part One:
Presentations will be done to your small group. You need to do as much recitation from memory as you can without the help of your poem. Each group member will perform and then their peers will fill out the feedback form. Once a member has presented and the feedback forms have been filled out, talk in your small groups about the feedback given. Do this for each group member.

Once you have completed this, take turns to recite again and try to improve on your feedback.

Part Two:
- Make sure that your poem has been approved by Mrs. Whittington (see StudentVUE).
- Once the teacher directs you to stop practicing and each person in your group has presented, you will collect back your peer feedback forms, look them over, and reflect on your practice presentation.

Here is an additional link to the peer feedback forms.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

MLA Format Overview

Essential Question Practice

Skinny Block:
Use the story Valediction by Sherman Alexie to answer each one of these questions in a paragraph response. A minimum of 4 sentences each.

1.) What does the story tell about the storyteller? (What does the author think/feel about the subject of the story?)
2.) How does this story relate to the world around us? (Connect the story to our world)
3.) Why do we still read this? (What lesson does it teach?)
4.) What would you have done differently if you were the main character in the story?
5.) How can we use this story to better ourselves? (Relate the story to you personally, what part of it can make you better? Why?)

Vocab List #3

Quizlet - Terms and Example Words

                              Ninth Grade Vocabulary – List Three                  
down, away, off
descend, deject (cast down), decline
di- / dif- / dis-
apart, different
diverge, differ, dissent, disengage, discord, discomfort
out of, from, former
exhume, exhale, exodus, exit

alternate, alter ego
ced- / cess-
yield, go
recede, secede, proceed, intercede, concession
demography, democracy, epidemic
egotist, egomania
minority, minuscule, minute
miss- / mit(t)-
to send
transmission, remittance, permit, submission, mission, emit
pon- / pos- / posit-
correspond, compose, composition
carry, door, port
portable, transport, portage, report
temp- / tempor-
temporary, temporize, contemporary

government by
democracy, autocracy, meritocracy
democrat, autocrat

Friday, October 13, 2017

Recent Assignments

The week of 10/9 - 10/13 we used the following blog labels. They can also be found to the right of your screen.

Poetry Out Loud Instructions and Due Dates

Rumpelstiltskin DEJ Instructions : 10/13

Thursday, October 5, 2017

MLA Continued

*This video tells you to use Calibri font, this is incorrect. You MUST use Times New Roman.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Most Dangerous Game

Directed by Irving Pichel and Ernest B. Schoedsack

Film Study Handout:
Honors - HERE
Academic - HERE

Honors - Use your director notes taken throughout the movie to complete the Honors Film Study Handout.

Skinny Block - Complete the Film Study Handout as well as write a (minimum) one paragraph response to 'Why do you think the directors made changes to the movie?' Do not just rewrite your list. 

Use the link to the movie above if you need to go back and re-watch 
in order to finish your assignment. 

Thursday, September 28, 2017

In-Text (Parenthetical) Citations


Book - (Author Last Name, Page #)

Website - (Author Last Name)

Website with no Author - (Webpage Title)


With more and more scholarly work being posted on the Internet, you may have to cite research you have completed in virtual environments. While many sources on the Internet should not be used for scholarly work (reference the OWL's Evaluating Sources of Information resource), some Web sources are perfectly acceptable for research. When creating in-text citations for electronic, film, or Internet sources, remember that your citation must reference the source in your Works Cited.

Sometimes writers are confused with how to craft parenthetical citations for electronic sources because of the absence of page numbers. For electronic and Internet sources, follow the following guidelines:

Include in the text the first item that appears in the Work Cited entry that corresponds to the citation (e.g. author name, article name, website name, film name).
You do not need to give paragraph numbers or page numbers based on your Web browser’s print preview function.
Do not include URLs in-text. Only provide partial URLs such as when the name of the site includes, for example, a domain name, like CNN.com or Forbes.com as opposed to writing out http://www.cnn.com or http://www.forbes.com.


When a source has no known author, use a shortened title of the work instead of an author name. Place the title in quotation marks if it's a short work (such as an article) or italicize it if it's a longer work (e.g. plays, books, television shows, entire Web sites) and provide a page number.

We see so many global warming hotspots in North America likely because this region has "more readily accessible climatic data and more comprehensive programs to monitor and study environmental change . . ." ("Impact of Global Warming").

In this example, since the reader does not know the author of the article, an abbreviated title of the article appears in the parenthetical citation which corresponds to the full name of the article which appears first at the left-hand margin of its respective entry in the Works Cited. Thus, the writer includes the title in quotation marks as the signal phrase in the parenthetical citation in order to lead the reader directly to the source on the Works Cited page. The Works Cited entry appears as follows:

"The Impact of Global Warming in North America." Global Warming:
      Early Signs. 1999. http://www.climatehotmap.org/. Accessed 23
      Mar. 2009.

More help on the blog for in-text citations: Here
More information available at: OWL MLA in-text Citations Info

PWP Requirements for Research Essay - Minimum of 2 Direct Quotes.
Please read over the MLA tab on the blog for more information on citing a book.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Process Writing Revisons

If you earn an 'A', you are done for that paper assignment.

If you receive an 'R' I expect you to immediately begin to revise your paper and make the corrections I have given you. All of my revision comments can be seen on Google Classroom. All revisions must be turned in two weeks before the end of each quarter. No revisions will be accepted by your teacher after that date. 

To do this:
- You will print out your original submission.
- Make corrections on a new copy of your paper.
- Highlight all changes that have been made on the updated copy, print it out, and staple it on top of your original submission.
- Fill out the Process Writing Revision Submission Form (this goes on top).
- These will be turned in hard copy.

- For each additional revision you have to make, you will need to print out a new copy with updated and highlighted changes and staple it to your previous copies. Do NOT assume that your paper will only need one revision. Papers often need multiple drafts, which is why you are given so much time to correct them. 

- The first copy of your revision must be turned in along with the Process Writing Revision Submission Form, you do not need to fill out additional submission forms for further revision submissions, just for the first one.

They will be turned in stapled in this order:
- Original submission on the bottom
- Highlighted corrected version in the middle
- Revision Submission Form on the top

If you do not have all drafts, or do not highlight your changes, or are missing your Revision Submission Form, your paper will not be graded and will remain an 'R' 75% until you resubmit correctly.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Vocab List #2

Quizlet - Quizlet Vocab List Two

Quizlet - Example Words Quizlet

                               Ninth Grade Vocabulary – List Two
a- / ab- / abs-
away, from
abstract, abduction, abstain, abnormal
to or toward
adhere, adjoin, adjacent (lying near to)
im- / in-
imperfect, impolite, impossible,  impractical,indiscreet, invisible, ineligible,

ami- / amic-
amiable, amicable, amorous
auditorium, audible, audiologist, audiotape
gram- / graph-
to write or draw, writing, printing
telegram, graphite, graphology, biography, telegraph, geography
chronicle, chronology, chronometer, synchronize, chronological order
grad- / gress-
to step
graduate, progress, gradual, progression, transgression
dehydrate, hydraulics, hydroelectric, hydroplane
mutant, mutability, mutate
earth, ground
subterranean, terrain, terrestrial, disinter, territorial
-er / -or
one who does
teacher, counselor
one who studies
zoologist, biologist
study of
zoology, biology

Friday, September 22, 2017

Irony in Most Dangerous Game

Verbal Irony: Irony that uses words to actually mean the opposite, sometimes happens in sarcasm.

Situational Irony: Irony involving a situation in which actions have an effect that is opposite from what is intended, so that the outcome is contrary to what was expected.

Dramatic Irony: Irony in which the audience is aware of something that the character isn't.

Quizlet MDG Examples: Irony in MDG Quizlet

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

How to Format Dialogue

Please refer to this blog post MoultonEnglish - Dialogue Instructions if you are having any trouble formatting speaking characters within your stories.

Double Entry Journals - Additional Info

In class we have covered our original DEJ Instructions.
There have been a few great questions asked that I wanted to answer for everyone:

1.) What exactly constitutes a quotation?
A quotation can be narration OR dialogue. You are NOT limited just to what the characters say.

2.) What kinds of quotations should I choose and what should I write about?
Find passages that you think help us better understand the author’s subject matter, characterizations, attitude, and especially THEMES (messages/”big ideas”). If you find yourself simply repeating what the quotation says, you might want to select a different quotation or reevaluate how you are approaching the response. NO SUMMARIES!

3.) How long should my responses be?
While I am more concerned with the depth of your thought, you need to stretch yourself and write a few sentences about each (at least three and possibly more).


Example: To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 1
“When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow . . . (3).

(My Note: I have not included the entire
quotation to which I am referring. Instead, I use an ellipsis [ . . . ] to quote only the part that is most important to what I want to talk about.)

I remember breaking my foot before a choir
concert. I was not feeling well and had to leave the risers before a concert. When I was hopping down from the third riser, I landed on the side of my foot and broke it. All I cared about when I was recovering was being able to walk without crutches or a walking cast again. This seems to be how Jem kind of feels.
(Making a Connection)

Atticus, the lawyer, “knew his people, they knew him, and because of Simon Finch’s industry, Atticus was related by blood or marriage to nearly every family in the town” (5).
(My Note: Instead of quoting the part about Atticus and his job immediately before this, I put it as a side note at the front before the quotation.)

Atticus seems to be a well-respected person in
Maycomb, and since he is a lawyer, he also must be fairly   intelligent. Maycomb must be a relatively small town where everyone knows everyone if Atticus is indeed related to most of the people. I think Atticus most likely will play an important role in this book because of his position.
(Interpeting/Making a Prediction)
“There was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go . . . nothing to see outside the boundaries of Maycomb County. But it was a time of vague optimism for some of the people: Maycomb County had recently been told that it had nothing to fear but fear itself” (7, 8).
(My Note: Since my quotation wraps to the next page, I made a note of it by putting both pages numbers after the quotation. Notice that there is ALWAYS a page number after each quotation.)
Apparently Maycomb is also a very slow, sleepy town that is pretty isolated from everything else. This seems to be especially true since they only have a “vague” notion of FDR’s speech (an allusion to the Great Depression of the 1930s – must be the era in which the story takes place) and there is
“nothing” outside of Maycomb County. I wonder why they see the world this way – maybe people don’t travel because of the Depression or because that’s just not what people did.
(Interpreting/Asking a Question)

“The Radleys, welcome anywhere in town, kept to
themselves, a predilection unforgivable in Maycomb. . . .” (9).
(My Note: In my response, I touched on one of the themes of the novel—prejudice—which is appearing in an atypical way.)
It seems that the town is a little closed minded in viewing the Radleys since they don’t go to church or do other things common in Maycomb. This seems to be a prejudice against their lifestyle since it seems that the town might not really know them and has become pretty superstitious about them. People often get suspicious about what they don’t
understand or what seems strange to them.
(Extending the Meaning)